If you experience any issues which cause the application not to function correctly, please try the following:
Hard Reload (refresh)
Our application relies on the internet and your browser to function. These are outside our control, and occasionally something may not work correctly, or be taking time. To ensure you have a clean slate, and all the latest files you can do a hard reload of your browser. For many browsers, this can be achieved by holding the 'ctrl' key and pressing 'F5'.
A hard reload, will clear our application files, and download the latest versions. This may take a short while. Please ensure you are also the application when doing this.
Wait a short while
If a hard reload does not resolve the issue, there may be a short term issue with the internet or our systems. If you wait for a short while these may resolve themselves.
Contact us
If the above does not work, please feel free to open a support ticket and our support team will help.
Developer Tools - when submitting a ticket please provide as much information as possible and screenshots as these will help. If you feel comfortable you can also use your browser's developer tools to identify any error messages. To do this, press 'F12', ensure Console is selected, refresh the application and recreate the issue, looking to see if errors are reported in the developer tools console. Copying (or a screenshot) of any errors will aid our support team in resolving the issue.